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Bedtime Stories





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聯絡地址:hyderabad, telangana, India

Bedtime Stories(圖1)-速報App

Funny Indian and Animal Stories for children with colorful pictures and simple words. These are famous Indian folk tales of animals that teach morals and witty, wise men from kings’ courts. Let your children drift into beautiful dreams at bedtime! These interesting stories are split into four groups for easy reference:

Animal Stories:

Panchatantra Stories

Jataka Tales

Funny Indian Wise Men&Kings Stories:

Bedtime Stories(圖2)-速報App

Akbar Birbal Stories

Tenali Rama Stories


Panchatantra is a collection of five volumes of stories written to teach the different aspects of kinghood for princes. ‘Pancha’ means five and ‘Tantra’ means principles. The 5 volumes together serve as a guide for prospective kings to become better rulers. This collection of Panchatantra is an engaging way for parents to teach kids about human values through animal moral stories.

Long ago in the kingdom of Mahilaropya, there lived a king who was an ideal ruler. He had three sons, who were not intelligent. The king was worried that his sons were incapable of governing. He wanted a wise teacher for his sons who would teach them the scriptures and make them knowledgeable in a short span of time. He met Vishnu Sharman, an old but great guru. But the king was unsure of how the old guru would achieve such a challenging task. Then Vishnu Sharman convinced the king that he would teach the princes about kingly conduct through a series of stories, which would be more effective than the scriptures. Thus Vishnu Sharman compiled the collection in five volumes termed as Panchatantra:

Bedtime Stories(圖3)-速報App

1. Mitra Bheda (Loss of Friends): This tantra shows how and why good friends can be lost and enemies take advantage.

2. Mitra Samprapti (Winning of Friends): This tantra gives insight into how lost friends can be gained back or new friends made. It also teaches how people with common interest can join together to achieve a common goal and come out of difficult situations.

3. Kakulokiyum or Suhru Bheda (Causing differences between friends): This tantra teaches how misunderstanding between enemies can be created using deceit and duplicity, to weaken their unity.

4. Labdha Pranasam (Loss of Gains): This tantra gives an insight into how gains made earlier can be lost if proper care is not taken or the consequences not analysed.

5. Aparikshita Karakam (Rash Deeds or Ill considered action): This tantra teaches about consequences of taking action in haste without knowing the details or the truth.

Bedtime Stories(圖4)-速報App

Jataka Tales

The Jataka tales depict the Buddha in several of his births in the form of animals. These stories, though simple, are high on moral content considered good for one's emotional, moral and spiritual health. The Buddha is the protagonist and the central character in each of these stories.

Akbar & Birbal

Birbal or Raja Birbal, born Mahesh Das was an advisor in the court of the Mughal Emperor Akbar. By the end of Akbar's reign, local folk tales emerged involving his interactions with Akbar, portraying him as being extremely clever and witty. As the tales gained popularity in India, he became even more of a legendary figure across India and its neighboring countries. These tales involve him outsmarting rival courtiers and sometimes even Akbar, using only his intelligence and cunning, often with witty and humorous responses.

Tenali Rama(n)

Bedtime Stories(圖5)-速報App

Tenali Raman or Tenali Ramakrishnan, was also known as Vikata Kavi (witty poet) and Tenali Rama. He is a South Indian folk hero who was a court poet and the court jester of King Sri Krishnadevaraya in the Vijayanagar Empire around the 16th century. Over the generations the stories of his wit and intelligence have inspired many books and TV shows. Also known as Tenali Ramalinga, the poet is said to be a huge devotee of Lord Vishnu. Such was his legacy that even kings in the North wished to meet him. He was particularly known for his humor and knack of making fun of others. This is why Tenali Rama stories are humorous and funny in nature and will have your child in splits.

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